Author : Meriç GÜVEN
Number of pages : 410-428


The input data at the initial point, which define the position of units in language according to their formation and realization stages, the output data at the end-point of the “primary data”, the status that ensures, demonstrates, and confirms the accuracy and precision until the “secondary data” are called as the “significant digits” of the language units. For language units, the “significant digit” is the first digit where there is the exponential notation and where grammatical analysis starts. Since there is a certain order in the functioning of the language, and since the structure and systematic of a language are based on certain rules, the concretization and conceptualization in language occurs in significant digits that are suitable for the “accurate usage” of language units. In linguistic notation, if any of the digits is passed with the development of language units; if the whole or a segment of language units cannot be used is not used in its “significant digit”; or used in a wrong group or class within the composition and series; this situation causes the loss of the significant digit in the language unit it belongs: “significance loss” occurs in this way. In situations where the distinction between the statically language based on logic and the dynamic language that is related with narration psychology is not made in a clear and accurate manner; and when all the morphemes starting from the smallest ones are not used in their own “significant digit”; and in case the denomination and interpretation are not made in their own “significant digits”; misconceptions will emerge about the task of the language units and about the functions of the role of “affix, word, phrase” in the language. Such misconceptions that are the subject matter of grammar and learning psychology and that are observed in all language units from the sentence to affixes constitute the most important problems of the language learning and teaching.


language system, grammatical mechanism, significant digit, conceptualization, significance loss

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