Author : Hayrettin PARLAKYILDIZ -& Burcu ÇELİK
Number of pages : 582-600


In this study, the aim of the researcher is to identify the speaking proficiency of the teacher in teaching Turkish through students’ opinions. Thus, assigning present flaws, it is aimed to boost the speaking skills of teachers teaching Turkish. As a research method, mixed method was chosen. Questionnaire was developed for the purpose of collection of data. The first part of the survey consists of two-question, personal information survey, the second part consists of 31 questions questions about the determination of the shortage of speaking was prepared as a questionnaire in the survey. Each item is given a choice of five to specify the frequency of behavior. These are from the most positive to the negative “always-never (5-1) were graded on the form accordingly. For reliability, a survey has been applied to 120 TOMER students and the reliability of the questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's Alpha. The reliability of the questionnaire was found to be .865. The whole parts of the administered questionnaire were considered reliable and thus, it was used. Furthermore, for the purpose of supporting quantitative data, interviews were conducted with 29 volunteered TOMER students. The interview consist of five open ended questions. The interview was conducted on students who accepted voluntarily to participate in. The interviews were recorded and then transcribed by the researcher.At the end of the study; it was concluded that the effect of teachers on speaking skills in developing language skills is adequate level overall. The activities carried out on the conversation skill seem to be at an adequate level. There is no significant difference by students’ gender in terms of teachers’ attitudes towards the level of their speaking in developing language skills. There is not a significant difference between the perceptions of students about the teacher’s speaking skill and students level of language institution. Students want more frequently prepared and unprepared speech rehearsals in the classes. The views deducing through the results of qualitative and quantitative research’s findings will inspire the teachers in teaching speaking skills to the students.


Foreign language, speaking, teacher.

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