Ebi Abdillah Bin Muhammed İbni Tâlibü’l-Ensârî Ed-Dımışkî’nin Kıyafetname’sinde Koşut Sözler

Author : Bahadır GÜNEŞ
Number of pages : 79-89


One of the material plentiful departments of Turkish studies is historical texts. The Turks, who represent a culture and civilization that extends from the distant lands of Asia to the interior of Europe this historical progress led to the occurence of a great corpus. Especially with the acceptance of Islam by the Turks as a mass a great number of texts written in the Arabic alphabet and translated into Turkish are just one indication of this civilized progress. Historical texts constitute a wide range of titles in terms of variety of subjects, especially religion. Within this variety, one of the subjects that attracted the attention of researchers and readers is the dress texts that make some explanations, comments and descriptions about the physical characteristics of the human and the character structure. There are many types of dress text, including copyright and translation in Turkish literature. In this study, it was studied in terms of the parallel words it contains, the Kıyafetname that Dimiski wrote in Arabic and translated by Silistrevi into Turkish. Parallelism is a set of words which are often mentioned in the studies on poetry, and which are similar or recall each other in verse texts as well as in prose texts in terms of structure and meaning that the authors frequently prefer. Parallelism Orkhon Inscriptions, which are the oldest texts in Turkish, includes words groups that include structure and meaning integrity in order to increase the permanence of the minds of the people who read and listen to the texts in many texts which are written in Turkish and translated into Turkish. In this Kıyafetname, which is seen as a lot of words, it increases the comprehension level of the related text and has a structure that harmonizes the information. In the study, these parallel words were classified according to the characteristics of the organization.


Historical text, dress text, parallelism, harmony, structure feature

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