Yabancılara Türkçe Öğretimi Ders Kitaplarında Kalıplaşmış Dil Birimlerinin Yeri ve Önemi

Author : Nuh DOĞAN
Number of pages : 361-373


In the vocabulary of natural languages, at first glance, it can be thought that the elements consisting of separate words are much more. However, the situation is not what it is supposed to be. In natural languages, words are not isoleted, but rather co-occur in certain syntactic structures and in a limited lexical environment. This means that much of the vocabulary of a language is formed by formulaic language units. According to Wood (2015: 11), approximately 80% of the words in a language occur in formulaic sequences. The formulaic language units have different types of grammar / syntax and lexical aspects. Routines, cllocations, stereotypes, slogans, lexical bundles, lexical phrases, grammatical patterns, phrases, proverbs, compound words can be shown in most formulaic language units. These elements, which constitute a large part of the vocabulary of the language and have a very high frequency of statistical use, have a great importance and place in foreign language teaching. In addition to forming a large part of the vocabulary of the language, formulaic language units also ensure that the expression of the native speakers and the second language speakers are natural and fluent and reduces the burden of scientific processing on the language arising from the production of text. In order to increase the vocabulary of foreign language students and to make the written-verbal text production natural, flowing, effective and ambitious, it is necessary to take these features of the formulaic language units into consideration.. In the Turkish teaching books for foreigners, words are generally taught independently of the formulaic language units in which they are used and regardless of the phenomenon of formulaic language. However, the words cannot be teached literally without taking into account the lexical and syntactic patterns which have various functions. In this paper, it will be discussed which type of formulaic language units that have an important place in the acquisition and teaching of a language when, wherei how to teach and how need to be teached in Istanbul Turkish For Foreigners Course Book


vocabulary teaching, Turkish vocabulary, formulaication, formulaic language

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