Author : Önder ÇAKIRTAŞ -& Ömer ŞEKERCİ
Number of pages : 340-348


Being a Victorian playwright of British literature, Bernard Shaw is also a prominent political thinker who gave route to many ideological reformulations in Britain. Shaw’s political personality, reuniting Socialism, Fabianism, Communism, anti-democracy, Feminism, Philosophy, and Dictatorship was mirrored within his innumerable writings. Having grown in poverty, Shaw hugged socialism after his participation to Henry George’s Progress and Poverty lecture, and came to be an enduring dynamism in the Fabian Society and Fabian Movement. Not only did he announce himself as a communist, but he also publicized that he was an atheist though he brought the dichotomies of Nietzsche’s Übermench within his theory of Creative Evolution and Life Force. Shaw diligently penned and voiced in the best interests of its all-embracing prophecy to renovate Victorian society, encouraging the working-class, women's platform, while, on the other hand, discarding the class discrepancies. Bernard Shaw desired to go and reconnoiter both worlds, and he put pen to paper as what he observed—as a Western thinker, his worldview came to terms with the most unfortunate, most disremembered and conceivably most overlooked part of the Victorian. Shaw’s social and political moves, his metaphorical and mythological standpoints, his ‘literal pen’ as a weapon against retrogressive policies of the ‘individual’ and community are tackled in this study.


Bernard Shaw, politics, socialism, ideology.

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