Özel Eğitim Öğrencilerinin Dil Edinim Süreçlerinin Değerlendirilmesi

Author : Nihat KAVAN -Erhan AKIN
Number of pages : 124-133


The individual in need of special education refers to individuals whose developmental and individual qualifications differ in educational terms from their peers. The purpose of special education is to provide individuals with the skills to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with their needs, to offer trainings for their needs and to live independently. Language acquisition plays an important role in teaching children in need of special education. Because language acquisition is also seen as teaching of reading and writing. In this study, it is aimed to evaluate the learning processes of special education students who are educated in formal education institutions. For this purpose, opinions of teachers were included. Qualitative research methods were used in the study. In this context, 14 special education teachers who were teaching in various current and disability classes were interviewed. The 6-item interview form included questions about the language acquisition process of students receiving special education. As a result of the research, it was concluded that teachers use methods such as balloon inflating, chewing gum, modeling, demonstration, visual presentation, direct language teaching, opportunity teaching, cascading method, natural language teaching method in relation to language acquisition processes of special education students. Concerning the language acquisition process of special education students, it has been concluded that cooperation between school, family and students, one-to-one professional training, staff development, chin exercises, raising awareness of families and getting support from specialist personnel will be effective.


Special Education, Process, Language Acquisition

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