Author :  

Year-Number: 2019-29
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2019-10-02 12:11:27.0
Language :
Konu :
Number of pages: 350-369
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Arabs have a very rich cradle of knowledge as they absorbed the ancient philosophical sources as well as the religious culture. All this is combined with their utmost care for the literary heritage that is rich in linguistic matters. Such a diversity of knowledge enabled them to analyze the linguistic phenomena, and the study of linguistic signs, and exploring their characteristics have been among the basics of their linguistic fields of study for Arabs. They found that such linguistic signs have many aspects and components, and that the relationship between such aspects or components may endow some distinctive features to these signs. Arabic scholars were unique in their observation of such characteristics, such as: the feature of matching between the signifier and the referent in the sign in which the relation of similarity is normal between the signifier and the referent. They thought deeply of this kind and found in it an implied feature that varies according to the type of referent. Referents can be verbs, and the appropriate sounds of such verbs are selected according to the variety of the verbs in matters of their strength and weakness. It is settled in Arabic linguistic critical thought that the vast majority of signs are governed by the arbitrary relation between the signifiers and their referents and meanings. Also, they put their hands on some characteristics that are determined by the relation of the signifiers by the contexts, so the utterances are assigned for complete or partial meanings by a noticeable personal or objective issue, and they highlighted the linguistic signs which have a rational attribute according to the implication and compliance, which may lead to the call for the literal rather than metaphorical use of signifiers. They expanded the details of the features of signifiers according to the meanings, and referred to the specific, the general and the joint, and they listed the interpretive, the summative and the types of significations; as well as the expressions, the references and the meaning of the text, the required, the spoken utterance and the concept, the explicit and the implicit, the discourse, the faulty speech, consistency and inconsistency



Arabs have a very rich cradle of knowledge as they absorbed the ancient philosophical sources as well as the religious culture. All this is combined with their utmost care for the literary heritage that is rich in linguistic matters. Such a diversity of knowledge enabled them to analyze the linguistic phenomena, and the study of linguistic signs, and exploring their characteristics have been among the basics of their linguistic fields of study for Arabs. They found that such linguistic signs have many aspects and components, and that the relationship between such aspects or components may endow some distinctive features to these signs. Arabic scholars were unique in their observation of such characteristics, such as: the feature of matching between the signifier and the referent in the sign in which the relation of similarity is normal between the signifier and the referent. They thought deeply of this kind and found in it an implied feature that varies according to the type of referent. Referents can be verbs, and the appropriate sounds of such verbs are selected according to the variety of the verbs in matters of their strength and weakness. It is settled in Arabic linguistic critical thought that the vast majority of signs are governed by the arbitrary relation between the signifiers and their referents and meanings. Also, they put their hands on some characteristics that are determined by the relation of the signifiers by the contexts, so the utterances are assigned for complete or partial meanings by a noticeable personal or objective issue, and they highlighted the linguistic signs which have a rational attribute according to the implication and compliance, which may lead to the call for the literal rather than metaphorical use of signifiers. They expanded the details of the features of signifiers according to the meanings, and referred to the specific, the general and the joint, and they listed the interpretive, the summative and the types of significations; as well as the expressions, the references and the meaning of the text, the required, the spoken utterance and the concept, the explicit and the implicit, the discourse, the faulty speech, consistency and inconsistency


  •  ‏.‏1980اآلم ‏الف‏ال م ‏/‏اإل كام‏في‏ااوج‏األ كام‏/‏دال‏الكتب‏العلالق‏/‏بلروا/‏

  •  اآلم ‏الف‏ال م ‏/‏غامق‏الارام‏في‏عل ‏الكالم‏/‏تحةلق‏ ة ‏محاود‏ع ‏اللطلف‏/‏مقشولاا‏ ‏م‏.1971للشؤوت‏اااالملق‏/‏ل قق‏ا لاء‏التراث‏اااالمي‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏‏الا لس‏األعلا

  •  ‏م‏.1961هـ‏1381اب ‏تلالق‏/‏ تاب‏ااماات‏/‏الاكتب‏اااالمي‏للط اعق‏والقشر‏/‏

  •  م‏.1983/‏بلروا‏/‏‏3ي‏/‏الخدائص‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏محا ‏علي‏الق ال‏/‏عال ‏الكتب‏/‏طاب ‏جق

  •  اب ‏القا‏/‏ تاب‏الشفاء‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏ال تول‏ا ا ‏فؤاد‏األهواصي‏مراجعق‏هبراهل ‏م ول‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏ ‏م‏.1965

  • اب /‏بلروا‏‏1ب‏العلالق‏/‏ط المها‏/‏تعللق‏:‏ا ا ‏ ة ‏بة ا‏/‏مقشولاا‏محا ‏بل وت‏/‏دال‏الكت ‏م‏.1997/‏

  •  ‏م‏.‏1945/‏الةاهرة‏/‏‏2اب ‏الاعتز‏ع ‏هللا‏/‏ال ما‏/‏تا‏:‏محا ‏ع ‏الاقع ‏افاجي‏/‏ط

  •  ‏بلروا‏/‏ ادل‏للط اعق‏والقشر‏/ ‏دال‏ ‏لةات‏العرب‏/ اب ‏مقاول‏ابو‏الف ل‏محا ‏ب ‏مكرم ‏م‏.1965هـ‏ـ‏1375

  •  ‏م‏‏.1980اصلس‏هبراهل ‏/‏‏دالق‏األلفا ‏/‏مكت ق‏ااص لو‏الادرمق‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏

  •  اعالد‏/‏بادر‏/‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏الةل ‏ا ا ‏اةر‏/‏دال‏ال‏181ال اقالصي‏ابو‏بكر‏/‏اع از‏الةرآت‏/‏ ‏م‏.1954هـ‏ـ‏374الةاهرة‏/‏

  •  ‏الاكت ق‏الشرقلق‏/‏ ‏تحةلق‏:‏األب‏مواف‏مكالثي‏/ ‏التاهل ‏/ ال اقالصي‏ابو‏بكر‏محا ‏ب ‏الطلب‏/ م‏.1957بلروا‏/‏

  •  م‏.‏1985بالار.‏د‏/‏عل ‏ال الق‏/‏ترجاق‏ال تول‏م ل ‏ع ‏الحلل ‏الاااطق‏/‏بغ اد‏/‏

  • ‏ال در ‏م‏.1984الاعه ‏العلاي‏الفرصةي‏لل لاااا‏العربلق‏/‏دمشق‏/‏

  •  مةااا‏مترجاق‏ودلاااا‏‏/‏بااراد‏الزا‏قاا ‏وصدر‏ ام ‏‏–بلرس‏/‏‏م ال‏هلا‏الةلالوطلةا‏ ‏م‏.‏1986ابو‏زم ‏/‏دال‏هللاس‏العدرمق‏/‏مدر‏/‏

  •  تودولود‏تزفتات‏/الةلالائلق‏والقص‏األدبي‏)اعااج‏ملتةا‏معه ‏اللغق‏العربلق‏وآدابها(‏الةلالائلق‏‏ ‏م‏.1995عقابق‏/‏باجي‏مختال‏/‏ال زائر‏/‏/‏جامعق‏ ترجاق‏:‏زبل ‏ قوت

  •  ال ابر ‏محا ‏عاب ‏/‏‏بقلق‏العةل‏العربي‏ ‏دلااق‏تحللللق‏صة مق‏لقا ‏الاعرفق‏في‏الاةافق‏العربلق‏/‏ .1986/‏مر ز‏دلاااا‏الو ة‏العربلق‏/‏بلروا‏/‏‏1ط

  •  ط عق‏الحل ي‏/‏ال ا ظ‏ابو‏عارو‏عااات‏ب ‏بحر‏/‏الحلوات‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏ع ‏الةالم‏محا ‏هالوت‏/‏م م‏.‏1965هـ‏ـ‏1385/‏‏2مدر‏/‏ط

  • ‏م‏.1954الاعالد‏/‏ااطق وج‏/‏‏‏‏

  • ةات ‏م‏.2004هـ‏ـ‏‏1425ال الغق‏/‏عال ‏الكتب‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏

  •  ‏.1973 ةات‏تاام‏/‏اللغق‏العربلق‏معقاها‏وم قاها‏/‏الهلئق‏الادرمق‏العامق‏للكتاب‏/‏

  •  لخفاجي‏اب ‏اقات‏/‏ار‏الفدا ق‏/‏ارح‏وتدحلا‏:‏ع ‏الاتعاج‏الدعل ‏/‏مط عق‏محا ‏علي‏ا ‏م‏.1969ا لا‏واواد ‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏

  •  /‏م‏.1973‏الرافعي‏/‏اع از‏الةرآت‏‏/‏دال‏الكتاب‏العربي‏/‏بلروا‏

  • ‏م‏.‏‏1961ال تول‏اصلس‏فرمحق‏/‏دال‏الاةافق‏/‏بلروا‏/‏ودال‏الرمحاصي‏للط اعق‏والقشر‏/‏‏‏‏

  •  ‏.‏‏‏‏ ‏)د.ا( ‏ال ‏آباد ‏ ل ل ‏العاااصلق ‏الاط عق ‏مت ‏مدطفا ‏في‏مواوعاا‏ ‏ومد اح‏الةلادة ‏مفتاح‏الةعادة ‏ رى‏/ ‏ا ا ‏ب ‏مدطفا‏الشهلر‏بطاش‏ زادة ‏م.1968العلوم‏/‏مراجعق‏وتحةلق‏:‏ امل‏بكر ‏وع ‏الوهب‏ابو‏القول‏/‏دال‏الكتب‏الح ماق‏/‏

  •  ‏ا ا ‏العشاق ‏مدالا ‏ال غ اد ‏...الةال ‏جعفر ‏مواف‏ص اتي‏الةراج م‏.‏1956هـ‏ـ‏1375وا ا ‏مراي‏مشالي‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏مكت ق‏ااص لو‏الادرمق‏/‏

  •  الةكا ي‏ابو‏معةوب‏/‏مفتاح‏العلوم‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏ا رم‏عااات‏مواف‏/‏مط عق‏دال‏الراالق‏/‏بغ اد‏/‏ ‏م‏.1982/‏‏1ط

  •  ‏.‏1971/‏‏2اع ات‏ز ي‏ال م ‏/‏‏ااوج‏الفةة‏اااالمي‏/‏مقشولاا‏جامعق‏بقغازمـ‏لل لا‏/‏ط

  •  الشروت‏/‏عل ‏الغلب‏في‏العال ‏الة م ‏/‏ترجاق‏:‏توفلق‏الفلل‏/‏مط عق‏ااعتااد‏/‏مدر‏/‏مكت ق‏ م‏.1946اآلداب‏بال ااملز‏/‏

  •  ‏الترجااا‏والشروح‏ ‏الر ا ‏ب و ‏)ومعة ‏ال تول‏ع ‏ف ‏الشعر‏/ طاللس‏آلاطو ‏م‏.1973/‏‏2الة ماق(‏/‏دال‏الاةافق‏بلروا‏/‏ط

  •  ‏م‏.‏1976 ا ا‏ ة ‏/‏ الم‏العرب‏/‏دال‏القه ق‏العربلق‏/‏بلروا‏/‏

  •  ‏اآلفاق‏ ‏التراث‏العربي ‏ه لاء ‏ل قق ‏الفروق‏في ‏هالج العةكر ‏ابو ‏م‏.1981/‏‏5ال م ة‏/‏بلروا‏/‏ط

  •  هبراهل ‏/‏العةكر ‏ابو‏هالج‏/‏ تاب‏الدقاعتل ‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏علي‏محا ‏ال او ‏ومحا ‏ابو‏الف ل‏ ‏م‏.1971/‏‏2الةاهرة‏/‏ط

  •  ‏1العالملي‏ع ‏هللا‏/‏تهامب‏‏الاة مق‏اللغومق‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏ال تول‏ااع ‏علي‏/‏دال‏القعاات‏/‏ط /‏‏ ‏م‏.1968هــ‏1388بلروا‏/‏

  •  ‏الحاجر ‏ ‏طة ‏الشعر/ ‏علال ‏ط اط ا ‏العلو ‏م‏.1956 رى‏/‏الةاهرة‏/‏وال تول‏محا ‏زغلوج‏االم‏/‏الاكت ق‏الت المق‏الك ‏ااع از ‏ ةائق ‏وعلوم ‏ألارال ‏الات ا ‏الطراز ‏ ازة العلو ‏محلا م‏.‏1982م اوعق‏م ‏العلااء‏بإاراد‏القاار‏/‏دال‏الكتب‏العلالق‏/‏بلروا‏/‏

  •  ن‏/‏مقشولاا‏جامعق‏الفاتا‏/‏مطابا‏ ادمتال‏/‏علي‏محا ‏محا ‏موصس‏/‏واف‏اللغق‏العربلق‏‏داللا . م1993لل لا‏/‏

  •  ‏م‏.1982عار‏ا ا ‏مختال‏/‏عل ‏ال الق‏/‏مكت ق‏دال‏العروبق‏للقشر‏/‏الكومت‏/‏

  •  ‏م‏.1983/‏4 ‏في‏ف ‏الاقطق‏/‏دال‏ااص لس‏/‏بلروا‏/‏طالغزالي‏ابو‏ ام ‏/‏معلال‏العل

  • فااول ‏م‏.1985/‏‏1للط اعق‏والقشر‏/‏بلروا‏/‏ط

  •  ‏ولهل ‏ وتش‏اللةوعي‏ واتاصلي‏الفالابي‏/‏ارح‏الفالابي‏لكتاب‏آلاطو‏طاللس‏للع الة‏/‏صشر‏: ‏م‏.1960مالو‏اللةوعي‏/‏الاط عق‏الكاثوللكلق‏/‏بلروا‏/‏

  •  الفالابي/‏ تاب‏األلفا ‏الاةتعالق‏في‏الاقطق‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏محة ‏مه ‏/‏دال‏الاشرق‏/‏بلروا‏/‏ ‏م‏.1986 ‏الاشرق ‏مه / ‏محة ‏وعلق‏عللة ‏لة ‏وق م ‏ ةةة ‏ تاب‏الحرود‏/ الفالابي م‏.‏1970بلروا‏/‏

  •  الةرطاجقي‏ ازم‏/‏مقهاج‏ال لغاء‏واراج‏األدباء‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏محا ‏الح لب‏ب ‏الخوجق‏/‏دال‏الغرب‏ ‏م‏.1986/‏‏3اااالمي‏/‏بلروا‏/‏ط

  •  ‏م‏.1966قطب‏ال ‏/‏التدومر‏الفقي‏في‏الةرآت‏/‏الةاهرة‏‏/‏

  •  ‏للقشر‏ ‏ال لاء ‏الكرم / ‏م اه ‏م‏.1985والتوزما‏/‏عاات‏/‏‏‏‏

  •  ‏م‏.1997تلب‏/‏توصس‏/‏الاة ّ ‏ع ‏الةالم‏/‏م ا ‏تشالةلق‏في‏اللةاصلاا‏/‏مط عق‏ ‏

  •  معار‏ب ‏الااقا‏ابو‏ع ل ة‏/‏م از‏الةرآت‏/‏تحةلق‏:‏محا ‏فؤاد‏الةز ل ‏/‏القاار‏/‏محا ‏اامي‏ ‏هـ‏‏.1374مـ‏1954/‏‏1امل ‏الخفاجي‏/‏مدر‏‏ط

  •  ‏علي‏ ‏ع اس ‏ع صات ‏والعال ‏جوتق ‏ اترمقا ‏مومزت ‏م‏.1995/‏الةلق‏عال ‏الاعرفق‏/‏ ومت‏/‏‏‏‏

  •  /دال‏الاشموت‏‏هالتاات‏واتول ‏/‏مع ‏اللغق‏واللةاصلاا‏/‏ترجاق‏:‏توفلق‏عزمز‏ومروات‏محا ‏ ‏م‏.‏2012/‏‏1للترجاق‏والقشر‏/‏بغ اد‏/‏ط

  •  ‏ال تول‏ اود‏ع ‏ ‏دلااق‏وتحةلق‏: ‏التعللةاا‏والقوادل‏/ اله ر ‏ابو‏علي‏هالوت‏ب ‏ز رما م‏.1987/‏2األملر‏الحااد ‏/‏دال‏الشؤوت‏الاةافلق‏العامق‏/‏العراق‏/‏بغ اد/‏ط

  •  لكتب‏/‏القاار‏ال ال‏الةوملق‏للط اعق‏والقشر‏/‏الهاللل ‏)‏دموات‏(‏/‏صةخق‏مدولة‏ع ‏ط عق‏دال‏ا ‏م‏.1965هـ‏ـ‏1385الةاهرة‏/‏

  •  ‏اللغق‏/‏دال‏صه ق‏مدر‏للط ا‏والقشر‏/‏ط ‏الوا ‏/‏عل ‏الةاهرة‏/‏‏7وافي‏علي‏ع ‏الف الق‏ـ م‏.‏1972

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