Author : Funda UZDU YILDIZ
Number of pages : 129-140


Formulaic competence, socio-cultural competence, discourse competence, linguistic competence, interactional competence and strategic competence are the constituent components of communicative competence. In order for communicative skills to develop during language learning, it is expected that there are inputs towards these components, all of which are to be interpreted by students. One of these competence components, formulaic competence consists of the expressions used as formulaic phrases, idioms, lexical frames, and collocations. The formulaic expressions should be specifically included in teaching as they take great importance in the verbal communication. Namely, the formulaic expressions fulfill a variety of functions during their utterance by the speaker and the conversational interaction between the speakers. By the help of these expressions, the speakers save time, create a shorter processing path to arrange the content, organize their discourse and meet the physical, emotional and cognitive necessities for the listeners. They are significant as for their capacity to include very much information of the speakers for the listeners. Having numerous functions in communication, presenting the contextual, functional and impact levels of the formulaic expressions as clearly and meaningfully to the students in teaching Turkish as a foreign language might accomplish teaching more effective. It is thought that it will be more beneficial to present the selected expressions on this purpose as verbal communication activities besides applying other components of competence in order to develop formulaic competence. This study provides information about the structure and function of the formulaic expressions that might be used to develop the instruction of formulaic competence among other constituent components of the communicative competence in teaching Turkish as a foreign language, and includes contextual and functional examples that may be used during the organization of the activities.


formulaic expressions, formulaic competence, cominicative competence, Turkish as foreign language.

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