The goal of today's educational system is to equip pupils with advanced reading abilities in addition to basic reading comprehension. In order to help students learn and think critically, this knowledge seeks to guarantee that they not only comprehend the material but also critically analyze, interpret, and synthesize it. Those who read with proficiency acquire the ability to better organize, oversee, and assess their learning experiences. In light of this, the educational system must give pupils the chance to improve their reading abilities and strive to develop into capable readers who can comprehend, analyze, interpret, and synthesize what they read. By helping students to acquire and use information more successfully, this understanding gives them a strong advantage and prepares them for success in the complicated and rapidly changing world of today. The purpose of this study is to test the advanced reading awareness of high school pupils. A study method called the screening model seeks to accurately depict a condition, whether it be historical or present. 287 students enrolled in the spring semester of the 2023–2024 academic year in the Palandöken district of Erzurum province make up the study's sample group. The study was restricted to high school pupils in their senior year. The 21-item "Advanced Reading Awareness Scale" and a 5-point Likert-type scale with three dimensions—"pre-reading (planning), reading order (process monitoring), and post-reading (evaluation)"—were used to gather the study's results. Frequency and percentage numbers were used to analyze the research data. As a result of the research, it was seen that high school students generally responded to the pre-reading dimension of advanced reading awareness; in the reading process and after reading, they always responded at the same level. The findings indicate that the advanced reading awareness of high school pupils is at an advanced level.