Author : Berk ILHAN
Number of pages : 487-501


Communication strategies are the strategies that speakers of a language use when they have communication breakdowns such as forgetting a word, misunderstanding the utterance and for negotiation of meaning. There are descriptive studies that present the strategies used by L2 learners in EFL field; however, there is a need for further studies in different contexts in which speaking in L2 is a problem (Mei & Nathalang (2010); Jamshidnejad (2011); Hua, Nor, & Jaradat, (2012). In order to contribute to the field, the present study aims at answering two questions; which communication strategies at sentence and discourse level do Turkish students use and what are the beliefs of students about the meaningfulness of communication in pair work activities? First question is to reveal communication strategies that are used and the second research question was asked to find out how students’ ideas on the meaningfulness of pair work activities in L2 class might affect their use of communication strategies. Four different discussion and conversation activities were conducted as pair work with 25 students at B1 level. All the groups were recorded and the language students used with their peers was analyzed. The results indicate that although students find communication in pair work activities meaningful, they do not use the strategies efficiently. Many mistakes, which made the interaction ambiguous, were ignored by the students. The findings indicate a discrepancy between meaningfulness of communication and strategy use for negotiation of meaning in pair work activities. The present study aims at answering two questions; which interaction strategies at sentence and discourse level do Turkish students use when they communicate with their peers and what are the beliefs of students about the meaningfulness of communication in pair work activities? Four different discussion and conversation activities have been conducted as pair work with 25 students at B1 level. All the groups have been recorded and the language students used with their peers have been analyzed to reveal interaction strategies. The results have indicated that most of the students find pair-work activities more meaningful than the activities done with teacher. At sentence level, students used mostly avoidance and appeal for assistance strategies. At discourse level, students used a limited number of structures. Many mistakes, which made the interaction ambiguous, were ignored, which indicated that more time should be spared for teaching and practicing strategic competence.


Communication strategies, interaction strategies, pair work, group work, cooperative language teachi

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